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Séminaire territoire et informalité en ville, Ayona Datta, 26 avril 2013

Prochaine séance du séminaire « Territoire et Informalité en Ville » :Ayona Datta, the illegal city. Space, law and gender in Dehli’s slums.

Ayona Data, school of geography, university of Leeds

Vendredi 26 avril de 10h30 à 12h30 en salle 870, bâtiment Olympe de Gouges, Université Paris-Diderot, rue Albert Einstein, 8e étage.

L’intervention s’appuiera sur la lecture de:
– Appadurai, A. 2001. Deep Democracy: Urban Governmentality and the Horizon of Politics. Environment and Urbanization,
13(2), 23–43.
– Benjamin, W. 1978. Critique of Violence. In Reflections: Essays, Aphorisms, Autobiographical Writings by W. Benjamin and
P. Demetz, New York: Schocken Books, 277–300.
– Datta, A 2012. ‘Introduction’, in The Illegal City: Space, Law and gender in a Delhi Squatter Settlement, Farnham: Ashgate. .
– Holston, J. 2008. ‘Chapter 6: Legalizing the Illegal’ in Insurgent Citizenship: Disjunctions of Democracy and modernity in
Brazil, Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp 203-232.

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