Mois : mai 2014
5 mai 2014 – Séminaire Territoires et informalité en ville – Glyn Williams
Séminaire Territoires et informalité en ville, Glyn WILLIAMS (Department of Town and Regional Planning, University of Sheffield) : «Making Space for Women in Urban Politics? Leadership and Claim-making in a Kerala Slum Upgrade Project».
lundi 5 mai, 14h-16h
Bâtiment Olympe de Gouges, salle 268 (2ème étage)
Bibliographie indicative:
1. Sur les relations politiques formelles – informelles :
Blom Hansen, T 2004 Politics as permanent performance: the production of political authority in the locality in A Wyatt, J Zavos and V Hewitt, (eds.) The Politics of Cultural Mobilisation in India. New Delhi: Oxford University Press. 20-36.
Blom Hansen, T 2005 Sovereigns beyond the State: On Legality and Authority in Urban India in Blom Hansen, T and Stepputat, F (eds.) Sovereign Bodies: Citizens, Migrants and States in the Postcolonial World. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP. 169-191
Lund, C. (2006a). « Twilight Institutions: An Introduction. » Development and Change 37(4): 673-684
Lund, C. (2006b). « Twilight Institutions: Public Authority and Local Politics in Africa. » Development and Change 37(4): 685-705
Partha Chatterjee, 2004. ‘Politics of the Governed: Reflections on Popular Politics in Most of the World’ (Columbia University Press, 2004)
Partha Chatterjee 2011 The Debate Over Political Society Chapter 14 of Ajay Gudavarthy (ed), 2011, Re-framing Democracy and Agency in India: Interrogating Political Society. London: Anthem Press 305-322.
2. Sur l’interface entre les espaces « invités » à la participation et les politiques urbaines en Inde :
Coelho, K., L. Kamath, and M Vijaybaskar (2011). Infrastructures of consent: interrogating citizen participation mandates in Indian urban governance. IDS Working Paper Series (Working Paper 362) Brighton, IDS.
3. en introduction aux problèmes du Kerala :
Heller, P 2001. Moving the State: the politics of democratic decentralization in Kerala, South Africa, and Porto Alegre. Politics and Society 29 (1), 131-163
Heller, P 2009 “Making Citizens from Below: India’s Emerging Local Government” in Gary Bland and Cynthia J. Arnson, editors Democratic Deficits: Addressing Challenges to Sustainability and Consolidation Around the World. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. 85-1
Williams, G., Thampi, B.V., Narayana, D., Nandigama, S., and Bhattacharyya, D. (2011). Performing Participatory Citizenship: Politics and Power in Kerala’s Kudumbashree Programme, Journal of Development Studies 47(8): 1261-1280