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Seminar « Territories and Informality in Cities » – A. Datta

Next meeting of the seminar « Territories and informalities in Cities » : Ayona Datta, the illegal city. Space, law and gender in Dehli’s slums.
Ayona Data, school of geography, university of Leeds
Friday, 26th April, 10h30 to 12h30, room 870, building Olympe de Gouges, University Paris-Diderot, rue Albert Einstein, 8e floor.
The intervention will make reference to :
– Appadurai, A. 2001. Deep Democracy: Urban Governmentality and the Horizon of Politics. Environment and Urbanization,
13(2), 23–43.
– Benjamin, W. 1978. Critique of Violence. In Reflections: Essays, Aphorisms, Autobiographical Writings by W. Benjamin and
P. Demetz, New York: Schocken Books, 277–300.
– Datta, A 2012. ‘Introduction’, in The Illegal City: Space, Law and gender in a Delhi Squatter Settlement, Farnham: Ashgate. .
– Holston, J. 2008. ‘Chapter 6: Legalizing the Illegal’ in Insurgent Citizenship: Disjunctions of Democracy and modernity in
Brazil, Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp 203-232.